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  Home » Staff » Current staff » Margarete Ortner » Profile
Ph.D. Student

Tick Biography
Spacing Margarete Ortner received a BSc. and a MSc. degrees in Telematics & Biomedical Engineering from Graz University of Technology (Graz, Austria), respectively in 2006 and 2007. She then spent one year in England within the framework of a double degree curriculum, obtaining a MSc. degree in Applied Bioinformatics at Cranfield University in 2008. She is currently conducting PhD. studies in the ARTEMIS Department at TELECOM & Management SudParis.

Tick Research activities
Spacing Her research activities deal with medical imaging and are currently focused on the segmentation and functional analysis of chest MSCT data for the quantitative assessment of airways remodeling.

Tick Thesis information
Dissertation subject Respiratory pathologies and functional markers in MSCT
Academic affiliation Université Paris V - Paris Descartes
Thesis director Françoise Prêteux
Thesis supervisor Catalin Fetita
Scheduled examination date September 2011

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