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  Home » Staff » Current staff » Sameh Hamrouni-Chtrourou » Profile
Ph.D. Student

Tick Biography
Spacing Sameh HAMROUNI-CHTOUROU received the BSc. degree in Computer Science and the MSc. degree in Computer Vision from the National School of Computer Sciences (Tunis, Tunisia) in 2007 and 2008 respectively. From April 2007 to March 2008, she spent a one year MSc. internship in the LEAR project at INRIA Rhône-Alpes, working on image indexing. Since January 2009, she has been a Ph.D.student in the ARTEMIS Department at TELECOM & Management SudParis.

Tick Research activities
Spacing Sameh HAMROUNI-CHTOUROU research interests are related to medical imaging, image understanding, information theory and statistics. They are currently focused on the quantitative assessment of myocardal perfusion in MRI using spatio-temporal statistical variational techniques.

Tick Thesis information
Dissertation subject Variational spatio-temporal statistical models for quantitative cardiac MR perfusion imaging
Academic affiliation Université Paris VI - Pierre & Marie Curie
Thesis director Françoise Prêteux
Thesis supervisor Nicolas Rougon
Scheduled examination date December 2011

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