Publication list |
| N. Rougon, C. Petitjean, F. Prêteux, P. Cluzel, P. Grenier
A non-rigid registration approach for quantifying myocardial contraction in tagged MRI using generalized information measures
Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 9(4), August 2005, p. 353-375. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, P. Cluzel
Assessment of myocardial function: A review of quantification methods and results using tagged MRI
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 7(2), April 2005, p. 501-516. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, P. Cluzel, F. Prêteux, P. Grenier
Quantification of myocardial function using tagged MR and cine MR images
International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, Vol. 20(6), March 2005, p. 497-508. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Directional adaptive deformable models for segmentation
Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 7(1), January 1998, p. 231-256. |
International conference articles |
| N. Rougon, A. Discher, F. Prêteux
Region-based statistical segmentation using informational active contours
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Mathematics of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, and Encryption with Applications IX, San Diego, CA, Vol. 6315, August 2006, p. 63150I:1-12. |
| A. Discher, N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
An unsupervised approach for measuring myocardial perfusion in MR image sequences
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Mathematical Methods in Pattern and Image Analysis, San Diego, CA, Vol. 5916, August 2005, p. 126-137. |
| N. Rougon, A. Discher, F. Prêteux
Region-driven statistical non-rigid registration: application to model-based segmentation and tracking of the heart in perfusion MRI
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Mathematical Methods in Pattern and Image Analysis, San Diego, CA, Vol. 5916, August 2005, p. 148-159. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Building and using a statistical 3D motion atlas for analyzing myocardial contraction in MRI
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Image Processing - SPIE International Symposium Medical Imaging'04, San Diego, CA, Vol. 5370, February 2004, p. 253-264. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, P. Cluzel, F. Prêteux, P. Grenier
A statistical motion atlas for dynamically assessing myocardial function in MRI
Proceedings 7th Annual SCMR Scientific Sessions / Euro CMR 2004 Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, February 2004, p. 22-23. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, F. Prêteux, Ph. Cluzel, Ph. Grenier
Automated 3D measurement of myocardial contraction from tagged MR sequences
Proceedings RSNA 89th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (RSNA'2003), Chicago, IL, November 2003, p. 414. |
| N. Rougon, C. Petitjean, F. Prêteux
Variational non rigid image registration using exclusive f-information
Proceedings International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'2003), Barcelona, Spain, Vol. 2, September 2003, p. 703-706. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, F. Prêteux, Ph. Cluzel, Ph. Grenier
Measuring myocardial deformations from MR data using information-theoretic nonrigid registration
Proceedings 17th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery (CARS'2003), London, UK, June 2003, p. 1159-1164. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, F. Prêteux, Ph. Cluzel, Ph. Grenier
A non rigid registration approach for measuring myocardial contraction in tagged MRI using exclusive f-information
Proceedings IAPR International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP'2003), Agadir, Morocco, June 2003, p. 145-152. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, F. Prêteux, Ph. Cluzel, Ph. Grenier
Measuring myocardial deformations in tagged-MR sequences using informational non rigid registration
Proceedings Second International Workshop on Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart (FIMH'2003), Lyon, France - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2674, June 2003, p. 162-172. |
| M. Mitrea, F. Prêteux, A. Vlad, N. Rougon
Spread spectrum watermarking method for image databases
Proceedings IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications (SPPRA'02), Crete, Greece, June 2002, p. 444-449. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, Ph. Cluzel, F. Prêteux, Ph. Grenier
Benchmarking non-rigid registration techniques for the quantitative analysis of myocardial function in tagged-MR imaging
Proceedings European Congress of Radiology 2002 (ECR'2002), Vienna, Austria, March 2002. |
| N. Rougon, M-A. Brossard-Pailleux, F. Prêteux
Robust parametric estimation over optimal support of fluid flow structure in multispectral image sequences
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Estimation and Imaging, San Diego, CA, Vol. 4121, August 2000, p. 39-50. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Differential geodesic mathematical morphology
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Bayesian Estimation and Inverse Problems, Denver, CO, Vol. 3816, August 1999, p. 294-305. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
A gauge-theory approach to structural properties of diffusive scale-spaces
Proceedings 13th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'96), Vienna, Austria, Vol. B, August 1996, p. 844-848. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Understanding the structure of diffusive scale-spaces
Proceedings 12th International Conference on Analysis and Optimization of Systems (ICAOS'96), Paris, France - Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences 219, 1996, p. 103-110. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Geometric Maxwell equations and the structure of diffusive scale-spaces
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Morphological Image Processing and Random Image Modeling, San Diego, CA, Vol. 2568, July 1995, p. 151-165. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Controlled anisotropic diffusion
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Nonlinear Image Processing VI - IS&T / SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, Science and Technology '95, San Jose, CA,, Vol. 2424, February 1995, p. 329-340. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux, G Renard
Quantitative automated analysis of cornea endothelial cell images
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing V, San Diego, CA, Vol. 2300, July 1994, p. 133-144. |
| N. Rougon
On mathematical foundations of local deformations analysis
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Mathematical Methods in Medical Imaging II, San Diego, CA, Vol. 2035, July 1993, p. 2-13. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Controlling the dynamics of active contour and surface models
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Geometric Methods in Computer Vision, San Diego, CA, Vol. 2031, July 1993. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Directional adaptive deformable models for segmentation with application to 2D and 3D medical images
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging VII: Image Processing, Newport Beach, CA, Vol. 1898, February 1993, p. 193-207. |
| R. Bubeck, E. Mousseaux, N. Rougon, I Bloch
Robustness of automatic quantitative study of the heart function versus manual analysis of MRI time sequences
Proceedings 14th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Paris, France, October 1992, p. 1979-1980. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Oriented smoothness constraints for adaptive active contour models
Proceedings 14th Annual Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Paris, France, October 1992, p. 1916-1917. |
| D. Richens, N. Rougon, I Bloch, E. Mousseaux
Segmentation by deformable contours of MRI sequences of left ventricle for quantitative myocardial analysis
Proceedings IEE Fourth International Conference on Image Processing and its Applications, Maastrich, The Netherlands, April 1992, p. 393-396. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Kinematics of interface evolution with application to active contour models
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Curves and Surfaces in Computer Vision and Graphics II, Boston, MA, Vol. 1610, November 1991, p. 336-348. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Deformable markers: Mathematical morphology for active contour models control
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing II, San Diego, CA, Vol. 1568, July 1991, p. 78-89. |
National conference articles |
| N. Rougon, A. Discher, F. Prêteux
Info-snakes : Segmentation statistique orientée région par contours actifs informationnels
Actes 21eme Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'2007), Troyes, France, September 2007, p. 753-756. |
| N. Rougon, A. Discher, F. Prêteux
Recalage variationnel non rigide statistique référencé région
Actes 20eme Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'2005), Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium, September 2005, p. 1153-1156. |
| N. Rougon, C. Petitjean, F. Prêteux
Recalage variationnel non rigide d'images par f-information exclusive
Actes 19eme Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images (GRETSI'2003), Paris, France, Vol. 1, September 2003, p. 165-168. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, Ph. Cluzel, F. Prêteux, Ph. Grenier
Evaluation de techniques de recalage non rigide pour l'analyse quantitative de la fonction contractile myocardique en IRM de marquage
Actes Journées Francaises de Radiologie (JFR'2002), Paris, France, October 2002. |
| M-A. Brossard-Pailleux, N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Estimation paramétrique robuste à support optimal de la structure d'écoulements fluides en imagerie Météosat
Actes 17ème Colloque GRETSI sur le Traitement du Signal et des Images, Vannes, France, September 1999, p. 339-342. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Contours actifs géodésiques généralisés
Actes 11ème Congrès AFCET-RFIA (RFIA'98), Clermont-Ferrand, France, Vol. 1, January 1998, p. 287-296. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Représentations multi-échelles génériques par diffusion anisotrope contrôlée
Actes 10ème Congrès AFCET/RFIA (RFIA'96), Rennes, France, Vol. 1, January 1996, p. 289-298. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Régularisation directionnelle optimale et modèles déformables adaptatifs
Actes 9ème Congrès AFCET/RFIA (RFIA'94), Paris, France, January 1994, p. 51-62. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Marqueurs déformables: Segmentation par contour actif et morphologie mathématique
Actes 8ème Congrès AFCET/RFIA (RFIA'91), Lyon-Villeurbanne, France, November 1991, p. 955-966. |
| C. Petitjean, P. Cluzel, N. Rougon
Assessment of myocardial function: A review of quantification methods and results using tagged MRI
Research Report 03009, Institut National des Télécommunications - ARTEMIS Project Unit, Evry, France, August 2003. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Non rigid image registration using generalized information measures
Research Report 02001, Institut National des Télécommunications - ARTEMIS Project Unit, Evry, France, March 2002. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Contours actifs généralisés
Research Report 97.08.01, Institut National des Télécommunications - Département SIM, Evry, France, August 1997. |