Publication list |
| M. Preda
ISO/IEC 14496 [MPEG-4] Part 16: Animation Framework eXtension (AFX), Second Edition
International Standard Organization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland, 2006. |
| M. Bourges-Sévenier, F. Morán, M. Steliaros, M. Preda, M. Han
ISO/IEC 14496 [MPEG-4] Part 16: Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
International Standard Organization (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland, April 2003. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
3D Graphics Standardization in MPEG-4
in Mehdi Khosrow-Pour, Information Resources Management Association, USA (Ed.), 3D Graphics Standardization in MPEG-4Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition (8 Volumes), Information Science Reference, , October 2008, p. in-print. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
From MPEG-4 Scene Representation to MPEG-7 Description
in M. Granitzer, M. Lux, M. Spaniol (Ed.), Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Germany, March 2008. |
| F. Prêteux, M. Preda
Animated characters within the MPEG-4 standard
in M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group Reference, Hershey, PA, January 2005, p. 123-126. |
| M. Preda, A. Salomie, F. Prêteux, G. Lafruit
Virtual character definition and animation within the MPEG-4 standard
in M. Strintzis, N. Sarris (Ed.), 3D modeling and animation: Synthesis and analysis techniques for the human body, IRM Press, Hershey, PA, July 2004, p. 27-69. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 Human Virtual Body Animation
in M. Bourges-Sévenier (Ed.), MPEG-4 Jump-Start, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, January 2002. |
| M. Preda, I. Arsov, F. Morán
Standards for 3D Graphics Assets and Applications
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (ISSN: 1556-6072), Vol. 4?(4?), December 2009, p. pp. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
The Role of Interoperability in Virtual Worlds, Analysis of the Specific Cases of Avatars
Technology, Economy, and Standards, Vol. 2(3), October 2009. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 24(1+2), January 2009, p. 101-114. |
| M. Preda, P. Villegas, F. Morán, G. Lafruit, R.P. Berretty
A model for adapting 3D graphics based on scalable coding, real-time simplification and remote rendering
The Visual Computer, Vol. 24(10), October 2008, p. 881-888. |
| F. Morán, M. Preda, G. Lafruit, P. Villegas, R-P. Berretty
3D game content distributed adaptation in heterogeneous environments
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing - Special issue on Video Adaptation for Heterogeneous Environments, Vol. 2007(2), September 2007, p. 31:1-15. |
| S. Celakovski, M. Preda, S. KalajdzIski, D. Davcev, F. Prêteux
Rendering strategies for displaying MPEG-4 3D graphics objects
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol. 3(10), October 2006, p. 1851-1858. |
| M. Mitrea, S. Duta, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Inband enriched video for interactive applications
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 5(8), August 2006, p. 1528-1534. |
| O. Folea, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Integrating multimedia applications and services through the MPEG-4 SDK
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 7(4), July 2005, p. 486-493. |
| O. Folea, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Creating with 3dsMax streaming and playing with MPEG-4
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 3(3), July 2004, p. 924-929. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Virtual character within MPEG-4 Animation Framework eXtension
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 14(7), July 2004, p. 975-988. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 powered by Java: a weather forecast application case study
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 3(3), July 2004, p. 878-884. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Insights into low level animation and MPEG-4 standardization
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 17(9), November 2002, p. 717-741. |
International conference articles |
| I. Arsov, B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
On-line animation system for learning and practice Cued Speech
, September 2009. |
| I. Arsov, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 3D graphics for mobile phones
Proceedings First International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Processing (WMMP'08), Tampa, FL (to appear), December 2008. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Proceedings 2008 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'2008), San Diego, California, U.S.A , October 2008. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Exploiting spatial correlation for fast mode decision in H264 intra coding
Proceedings IEEE 15th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP'2008), Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Vol. 1, July 2008, p. 20-24. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 Part 25: A generic model for 3D graphics compression
Proceedings 2nd 3DTV Conference (3DTV-CON 2008), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2008, p. 101-104. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
3D compression benchmarking with MyMultimediaWorld.com
Proceedings 2nd 3DTV Conference (3DTV-CON 2008), Istanbul, Turkey, May 2008, p. 105 - 108. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
On-line benchmarking for multimedia applications with www.MyMultimediaWorld.com
Proceedings 9th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS'2008), Klagenfurt, Austria, May 2008, p. 235-238. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, B. Mustafa, S. Celakovsky, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, D. Davcev
On-line and open platform for 3D object retrieval
Proceedings Eurographics 2008 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval (EG 3DOR 08), Crete, Greece, April 2008, p. 73-79. |
| F. Morán, M. Preda, G. Lafruit, P. Villegas, R.-P. Berretty
Adaptive 3D content for multi-platform on-line games
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Cyberworlds (Cyberworlds'2007), Hannover, Germany, October 2007, p. 194-201. |
| J. Royer, H. Nguyen, O. Martinot, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, T. Zaharia
Interactive TV on parliament session
Proceedings SPIE Conference on Mathematics of Data/Image Pattern Recognition, Compression, Coding, and Encryption X, with Applications, San Diego, CA, Vol. 6700, August 2007, p. 67000J:1-12. |
| F. Le Pouliquen, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
LABIAO : première plate-forme MPEG-4 pour le Langage Parlé Complété assisté par ordinateur
Actes 5èmes Ateliers de Travail sur l'Analyse d'Images, Méthodes et Applications (TAIMA'2007), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2007, p. 459-464. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, D. Courtaud, F. Prêteux
Extension du schéma MPEG-7 et base de données XML pour un service de 3D On Demand
Actes 5ème Ateliers de Travail sur l'Analyse d'Images, Méthodes et Applications (TAIMA'2007), Hammamet, Tunisia, May 2007, p. 313-318. |
| M. Preda, B. Jovanova, I. Arsov, F. Prêteux
Optimized MPEG-4 animation encoder for motion capture data
Proceedings 12th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D'2007), Perugia, Italy, April 2007, p. 181-190. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Extended MPEG-7 Schema for 3D on Demand
Workshop on Multimedia Semantics - The Role of Metadata, Aachen, Germany, March 2007, p. 218-229. |
| F. Morán, M. Preda, G. Lafruit, P. Vil Berretty
On-Line GAming over heterogeneous platforms thanks to standard scalable content
Proceedings International Conference on Automated Production of Cross Media Content for Multi-channel Distribution (AXMEDIS 2006), Leeds, UK , December 2006, p. 6-13. |
| M. Preda, S.M. Tran, F. Prêteux
Adaptation of quadric metric simplification to MPEG-4 animated object
Proceedings 2005 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM'2005),Jeju, Korea - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3767, November 2006, p. 49-60. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
The OLGA project: how standards, enable on-line gaming over, heterogeneous, networks
Proceedings 13th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP'2006), Budapest, Hungary, September 2006, p. 1-2. |
| F. Morán, M. Preda, G. Lafruit, P.Vil Berretty
A content adaptation approach for on-line gaming on various networks and terminals
Proceedings International Digital Games Conference (iDig'2006), Portalegre, Portugal, September 2006, p. 233-236. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Exploiting spatial correlation for fast mode decision in H264 intra coding
Proceedings 13th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP'2006), Budapest, Hungary, September 2006, p. 265-268. |
| F. Morán, M. Preda, G. Lafruit, P.Vil Berretty
A content adaptation approach for on-line gaming on various networks and terminals
Proceedings 1st International Digital Games Conference (iDig'2006), Portalegre, Portugal, September 2006, p. 233-236. |
| M. Mitrea, S. Duta, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Data hiding techniques: an innovative approach to video interactivity
Proceedings 10th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, Vouliagmeni, Greece (CDROM), July 2006. |
| S. Celakovski, M. Preda, S. KalajdzIski, D. Davcev, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 3D Graphics: from specifications to the screen
Proceedings 10th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, Vouliagmeni, Greece, (CDROM), July 2006. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
On-line gaming in heterogeneous networks
IEEE Skopje, Macedonia (invited speaker), June 2006. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
The OLGA project : How standards enable on-line gaming over heterogeneous networks
Digifrance, Helsinki, Finland (invited speaker), June 2006. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
Advanced Video Compression for Video-On-Demand services
Proceedings 3rd Taiwanese-French Conference on Information Technology, Nancy, France, March 2006, p. 251-262. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Mesh simplification based on animation constraints
Proceedings 3rd Taiwanese-French Conference on Information Technology, Nancy, France, March 2006, p. 225-236. |
| T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Interactivity, reactivity and programmability: advanced MPEG-4 multimedia applications
IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE'2006), Las Vegas, NV (CD-ROM), January 2006, p. 441 - 442. |
| O. Folea, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 SDK: from specifications to real applications
Proceedings 9th WSEAS International Conference on Communications, Vouliagmeni, Greece (CDROM), July 2005. |
| M. Preda, S.M. Tran, F. Prêteux
Adaptation of quadric metric simplification to MPEG-4 animated object
Proceedings 2005 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM'2005),Jeju, Korea - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3767, 2005, p. 49-60. |
| M. Preda, O. Folea, F. Prêteux
Creating with Maya, streaming and playing with MPEG-4
Proceedings Second International Conference on Intelligent Access of Multimedia Documents on Internet (MediaNet'2004), Tozeur, Tunisia, November 2004, p. 261-272. |
| T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, S.M. Tran
Jules Verne project: contribution to object-oriented content creation for interactive digital television
Proceedings Second International Conference on Intelligent Access of Multimedia Documents on Internet (MediaNet'2004), Tozeur, Tunisia, November 2004, p. 293-304. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, K. Fazekas, F. Prêteux
New proposal for enhancing the interactive capability in MPEG-4
Proceedings 2004 IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Siena, Italy, September 2004, p. 415-418. |
| M. Preda, F. Morán, P. Gioia, G. Lafruit
3D graphics in MPEG-4
Proceedings Computer Graphics International (CGI'2004), Crete, Greece, June 2004. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, K. Fazekas, F. Prêteux
Improvement of the temporal constraint in MPEG-4 BIFS
Proceedings 6th COST 276 Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 2004, p. 83-87. |
| G. Lafruit, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, J. Neider, E. Badique, M. Preda
Present and future of 3D graphics standards
Proceedings International Workshop on Visual Content Processing and Representation (VLBV'03), Madrid, Spain, September 2003. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, K. Fazekas
Case study: A basic composing tool for editing MPEG-4 System information
Proceedings 4th European Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS 2003), London, UK, 2003, p. 449-455. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, A. Gschwindt
An MPEG-4 BIFS based authoring tool for multimedia content
Proceedings IAPR International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ICISP'2003), Agadir, Morocco, 2003, p. 38-46. |
| M. Preda
Animation Tools in AFX
Tutorial on MPEG-4 Animation Framework eXtension - 8th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D'2003), Saint Malo, France, 2003. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, K. Fazekas
Exploring MPEG-4 BIFS features for creating multimedia games
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo(ICME'03), Baltimore, WA, Vol. 1, 2003, p. 429-432. |
| M. Preda
IST Concertation Meeting, Bologna, Italy, June 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Critic review on MPEG-4 Face and Body Animation
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'2002), Rochester, NY, Vol. 3, 2002, p. 505-508. |
| M. Preda
Virtual character animation within MPEG-4
Tutorial on MPEG-4 Animation Framework eXtension - Third Workshop and Exhibition on MPEG-4, San Jose, CA, 2002. |
| A. Salomie, A. Gavrilescu, R. Deklerck, I. Ravyse, J. Cornelis, M. Preda
Efficient animation of meshgrid models using a skin and bone system
Proceedings 3rd IEEE Benelux Signal Processing Symposium (SPS'2002), Leuven, Belgium, 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Advanced animation framework for virtual character within the MPEG-4 standard
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'2002), Rochester, NY, Vol. 3, 2002, p. 509-512. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Advanced virtual humanoid animation framework based on the MPEG-4 SNHC standard
Proceedings EUROIMAGE International Conference on Augmented, Virtual Enviroments and Three-Dimensional Imaging (ICAV3D'01), Mykonos, Greece, May 2001, p. 311-314. |
| F. Prêteux, C. Fetita, M. Malciu, M. Preda
Advanced methods for 3D object representation and animation. Application to medical imaging and virtual humanoids
Proceedings International Conference Communications 2000, Bucharest, Romania, 2000, p. 38-49. |
| M. Preda, T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
3D body animation and coding within a MPEG-4 compliant framework
Proceedings International Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and Three Dimensional Imaging (IWSNHC3DI'99), Santorini, Greece, 1999, p. 74-78. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Auto-production 3D graphics content for mobile communication
, 0. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Scalable Complexity Mesh Coding Benchmark
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2009/M16149, Lausanne, Swiss, February 2009. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MMW.com API extension for 3D graphics attributes
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2009/M16150, Lausanne, Swiss, February 2009. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Benchmarking results for Scalable Complexity Mesh Compression
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2008/M15824, Busan, Korea, October 2008. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Update of the API for 3D compression benchmark with MyMultimediaWorld.com
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2008/M15654, Hanover, Germany, July 2008. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Conformance dataset for P25
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2008/M15086, Antalya, Turkey, January 2008. |
| I. Arsov, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 3D Graphics Player for N93 and N95
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2008/M15087, Antalya, Turkey, January 2008. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
FAMC integration into the MPEG-4 RefSoft
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2008/M15150, Antalya, Turkey, January 2008. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Low-complexity approach for static mesh compression
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2008/M15153, Antalya, Turkey, January 2008. |
| B. Le Bonhomme, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Online platform for 3D graphics compression benchmarking
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2008/M15084, Antalya, Turkey, January 2008. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Software Implementation for P25
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2008/M15085, Antalya, Turkey, January 2008. |
| I. Arsov, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Support for multiple texture coordinates and additional attributes per vertex in 3DMC
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14905, Shenzhen, China, October 2007. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Compression Results for BBA on COLLADA Animation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14903, Shenzhen, China, October 2007. |
| C. Concolato, J. Le Feuvre, B. Jovanova, M. Preda
Storage of XML documents and associated media resources in the ISO file format
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14905, Shenzhen, China, October 2007. |
| M. Preda, F. Morán, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 3D Graphics in Metaverse
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14906, Shenzhen, China, October 2007. |
| M. Preda, B. Jovanova, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 3D graphics tools for third party scene representation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14711, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007. |
| M. Preda, R. Arnaud, F. Prêteux
Support for an RF profile for MPEG-4 3D graphics by COLLADA
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14712, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007. |
| M. Preda, I. Arsov, B. Jovanova, F. Prêteux
Compression performances of MPEG-4 3D Graphics for large databases
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14710, Lausanne, Switzerland, July 2007. |
| K. Mamou, M. Preda, T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
FAMC bitstream description
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14491 , San Jose, CA, April 2007. |
| M. Preda, B. Le Bonhomme, S.M. Tran, F. Prêteux
3dod.org goes multimedia: MyMultimediaWold.com
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14408, San Jose, CA, April 2007. |
| K. Mamou, D. Marpe, T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Frame-based Animated Mesh Compression : integration of the CABAC arithmetic encoder
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14493, San Jose, CA, April 2007. |
| M. Preda, T. Laquet, I. Arsov, C. Pelvet, O. Marre, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 3D Graphics for cartoons : Pigmentz authoring tool
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14198, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, B. Ivanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, B. Meaujean, J. Gaillard, O. Marre
Results of Core Experiment CE1 on mesh animation compression: skinning-based dynamic mesh compression
Standardization Report SO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14197, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007. |
| M. Preda, J.-H. Ahn, F. Morán, V. Swaminathan
AHG on 3DG documents, experiments and software maintenance
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2007/M14040, Marrakech, Morocco, January 2007. |
| T. Zaharia, K. Mamou, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Results of evaluation experiment EE1 on static and animated 3D mesh coding: skinning-based compression versus MPEG-4 AFX-IC
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/14028, Hangzhou, China, October 2006. |
| M. Preda, S.M. Tran, D. Tran, I. Arsov, F. Prêteux
www.3DoD.org: an MPEG-4 3D database
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2006/M13962, Hangzhou, China, October 2006. |
| M. Avilés, F. Morán, M. Preda
Implementation of JPEG 2000 elementary stream support in MPEG-4 reference software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG2006/M13864, Hangzhou, China, October 2006. |
| M. Preda, J.-H. Ahn, F. Morán, V. Swaminathan
AHG on 3DGC documents, experiments and software maintenance
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13745, Hangzhou, China, October 2006. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Results of evaluation experiment EE1 on static and animated 3D mesh coding: skinning-based dynamic mesh compression
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13888, Hangzhou, China, October 2006. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Dynamic 3D mesh compression: State of the art and preliminary evaluation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13653, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006. |
| M. Preda, B. Jovanova, F. Prêteux
Motion Capture Compression with MPEG-4 BBA
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13590, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006. |
| M. Preda, I. Arsov, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 3D Graphics rendering based on DirectX
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13591, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006. |
| M. Preda, J.-H. Ahn, F. Morán
AHG on 3DGC documents, experiments and software maintenance
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13399, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux, B. Le Bonhomme
The FAME2 project: super-computers running for multimedia
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13594, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
An evaluation test data set for dynamic 3D mesh compression
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13626, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2006. |
| M. Preda
Request for JPEG2000 elementary stream support in MPEG-4 file format
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13180, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006. |
| M. Preda, T. Laquet, W.V. Raemdonckn, I. Arsov, B. Jovanova, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 3D Graphics on mobile phone
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13179, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006. |
| M. Preda, J.-H. Ahn, F. Morán
AHG on AFX documents, CEs, and software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13051, Montreux, Switzerland, April 2006. |
| M Avilés, F. Morán, M. Preda
First compression efficiency results obtained within EE3 on IndexedWedgeSet
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/13014, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006. |
| M. Preda, T. Laquet, F. Prêteux
Solving the skeleton-skin coordinate system non-alignment
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/12860, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006. |
| M. Preda, T. Laquet, F. Prêteux
Results on EE2: Animation compression
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/12862, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006. |
| T. Laquet, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Overview on state of the art texture mapping
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/12861, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006. |
| M. Preda, J.-H. Ahn
AHG on AFX documents, CEs, and software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG06/12732, Bangkok, Thailand, January 2006. |
| M. Preda
Editorial corrections on AFX 2nd Release
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/12561, Nice, France, October 2005. |
| M. Avilés, F. Morán, M. Preda
IndexedWedgeSet: Efficient representation of attributed meshes
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/12628, Nice, France, October 2005. |
| M. Preda, F. Le Pouliquen, F. Prêteux
Conformance streams for morphing and animation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/12560, Nice, France, October 2005. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 SDK: Beyond MPEG-4 Reference Software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/12375, Poznan, Poland, July 2005. |
| F. Morán, S. Amenual, M. Avilés, M. Preda, M. Bourges-Sévenier, W. Chang
A few things you must know about MPEG-4 reference software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/11954, Busan, South Korea, April 2005. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Editorial issues for AFX COR1
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/11710, Hong Kong, China, January 2005. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
VertexImage: Encoding animated geometry as rectangular video
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/11711, Hong Kong, China, January 2005. |
| T. Di Giacomo, E. Lyard, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
CE report for physically-based animation. Part 1: Survey of physics models and applications
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/11551, Hong Kong, China, January 2005. |
| E. Lyard, T. Di Giacomo, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
CE report for physically-based animation. Part 3: PhysicsShapeProperty
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/11552, Hong Kong, China, January 2005. |
| T. Di Giacomo, E. Lyard, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
CE report for physically-based animation. Part 4: PhysicsBoneProperty
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG05/11553, Hong Kong, China, January 2005. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Implementation issues in MPEG-4 Reference Software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11203, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004. |
| O. Folea, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
BBA implementation into AFX encoder: Donation to ISO
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11409, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-J for real case applications: design of a minimal and universal primitive class
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11204, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Enriching stream control in BBA
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11205, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004. |
| T. Di Giacomo, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
CE report for physically-based animation of cloth with PhysicsShapeProperties node
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11194, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004. |
| M. Preda, O. Folea, F. Prêteux
XMT encoding issues for BBA
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11206, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004. |
| T. Di Giacomo, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Proposal of a PhysicsBoneProperties node
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11196, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004. |
| M. Preda, S.M. Tran, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 Player 3D(at)Work: demonstration of a weather forecast application
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11207, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 2004. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux, O. Marre
Morphing Appearances
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11066, Seattle, WA, July 2004. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Textual BBA
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/11068, Seattle, WA, July 2004. |
| M. Preda, M. Han, M. Bourges-Sévenier
HG on AFX documents editing and Core Experiments
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/10458, München, Germany, March 2004. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux, F. Vexo
MorphShape node implementation in Reference Software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/10655, München, Germany, March 2004. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux, F. Vexo
BBA stream update for morphing-based virtual character animation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/10656, München, Germany, March 2004. |
| T. Di Giacomo, C. Joslin, M. Preda
Proposal for MassSpring node for animation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/10719, München, Germany, March 2004. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Extensibility feature of the BBA stream. Corrigendum proposal
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG04/10730, München, Germany, March 2004. |
| M. Preda, M. Han, M. Bourges-Sévenier
AHG on AFX documents editing and Core Experiments
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10220, Hawaii, USA, December 2003. |
| M. Preda
French National Body Comment on IM1 Implementation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10455, Hawaii, USA, December 2003. |
| M. Preda, M. Han
AHG on SNHC Profiles
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10223, Hawaii, USA, December 2003. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Scene graph node design for blending meshes: the MorphShape node
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10390, Hawaii, USA, December 2003. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
BBA implementation in IM1
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10391, Hawaii, USA, December 2003. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Bitstream contribution for the Animated Character profile
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10392, Hawaii, USA, December 2003. |
| F. Vexo, M. Gutierrez, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, J. Piesk
AHG on Cluster Animation and Morphing
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9966, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003. |
| C. Joslin, T. Di Giacomo, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, M. Preda, F. Prêteux, J. Piesk
CE Report on avatar preferences
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10059, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux, F. Vexo, J. Piesk
Animation by morphing
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10139, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003. |
| M. Preda, M. Han, M. Bourges-Sévenier
AHG on AFX documents editing and Core Experiments
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9962, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Proposal for Animated Character profile
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M10141, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003. |
| M. Preda, M. Han
AHG on AFX profiles
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9965, Brisbane, Australia, October 2003. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
French National Body Comment on AFX
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9707, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003. |
| C. Joslin, T. Di Giacomo, T. Molet, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
National Body Comment on AFX (Editing)
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9690, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003. |
| M. Gutierrez, F. Vexo, M. Preda, J. Piesk, F. Prêteux
Simple vextex based animation technique
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9834, Trondheim, Norway, July 2003. |
| M. Preda, M. Steliaros
AHG report on On-Line Gaming
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9094, Awaji, Japan, December 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux, S.M. Tran
MPEG-4 for fun: demonstration of multimedia gaming
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9301, Awaji, Japan, December 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
BBA encoding hints in XMT
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9302, Awaji, Japan, December 2002. |
| S. Tsekeridou, M. Preda
Melisa: Overview and generic online gaming requirements definition
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9031, Shanghai, China, October 2002. |
| M. Preda, M. Steliaros, A. Mignot, M. Han, P. Gioia
Ad Hoc Group Report on On-line gaming (OLGA)
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M8783, Shanghai, China, October 2002. |
| M. Preda, C. Concolato, F. Prêteux
XML representation for BBA
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9015, Shanghai, China, October 2002. |
| M. Gutierrez, F. Vexo, M. Preda
Higher order interpolation of key postures: an improved MPEG-4 deformation algorithm
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG02/M9030, Shanghai, China, October 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Comments on AFX Virtual Character specifications
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8514, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2002. |
| M. Preda
AHG Report on On-line Gaming
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8663, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2002. |
| M. Preda, G. Lafruit, F. Prêteux
Call for Requirements for On-Line Gaming (OLGA): Draft version
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8664, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Uncompressed and human-readable animation file format for Virtual Characters
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8503, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Designing muscle-like deformation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8504, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
BIFS-Anim extension for encapsulating BBA stream
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8307, Fairfax, VA, May 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux, J-C. Dufourd
Specifications for an XMT compliant FBA file format
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8424, Fairfax, VA, May 2002. |
| M. Preda
Proposed text for DCOR related to FBA
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8458, Fairfax, VA, May 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
BBA within an AFX profile
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M8151, Jeju, South Korea, March 2002. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Skin and Bones coding as an FBA coding extension
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7756, Pattaya, Thailand, December 2001. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Deformable bones or muscle-based deformation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7757, Pattaya, Thailand, December 2001. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
FNB comments on the FBA stream syntax
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7758, Pattaya, Thailand, December 2001. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Skin and Bone implementation in reference software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7587, Pattaya, Thailand, December 2001. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Streamed animation within Animation Framework eXtension (AFX)
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7588, Pattaya, Thailand, December 2001. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
New node syntax harmonization between bone-based animation and H-Anim 2001
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7486, Sydney, Australia, July 2001. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
New node syntax supporting inverse kinematics
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7487, Sydney, Australia, July 2001. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux, M. Bourges-Sévenier
Generic articulated model definition and animation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7116, Singapore, Malasia, March 2001. |
| E. Petajan, M. Preda
Report of FBA Conformance adhoc
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M7103, Singapore, Malasia, March 2001. |
| J-C. Dufourd, C. Concolato, F. Prêteux, M. Preda
An extensible, generic, low-cost architecture for user interaction
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M6811, Pisa, Italy, January 2001. |
| E. Petajan, M. Preda
Report of FBA Conformance adhoc
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG01/M6899, Pisa, Italy, January 2001. |
| T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
3D shape descriptors: Results and performance evaluation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG99/M5592, Maui, Hawaii, USA, December 1999. |
| T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Motion content set: New contributions
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG99/M5594, Maui, Hawaii, USA, December 1999. |
| T. Zaharia, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Similarity measures for motion-based retrieval
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG99/M5595, Maui, Hawaii, USA, December 1999. |
| F. Prêteux, T. Zaharia, M. Preda
Core Experiment on motion trajectories: New data set and preliminary results
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M5253, Melbourne, Australia, October 1999. |
| F. Prêteux, T. Zaharia, M. Preda
Results of Core Experiment on 3D shape: The cord histogram descriptor related performances
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M5240, Melbourne, Australia, October 1999. |
| T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux, M. Preda
3D Shape spectrum descriptor
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M5242, Melbourne, Australia, October 1999. |
| F. Prêteux, T. Zaharia, M. Preda
Parametric object motion descriptor
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M4870, Vancouver, Canada, July 1999. |
| F. Prêteux, T. Zaharia, M. Preda
Preliminary results of CE on motion trajectory
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M4871, Vancouver, Canada, July 1999. |
| F. Prêteux, M. Preda, T. Zaharia
Predictive- versus DCT-based BAP coding
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M4554, Seoul, Korea, March 1999. |
| F. Prêteux, M. Preda, T. Zaharia
Preliminary results on hand BAT interpolation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M4278, Roma, Italy, December 1998. |
| F. Prêteux, M. Preda, T. Zaharia
Results of Core Experiment on BAP coding (DCT Coding)
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M4283, Roma, Italy, December 1998. |
| F. Prêteux, M. Preda, G. Mozelle
Body animation, BAPs coding and bitstream exchanges
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M4147, Atlantic City, NJ, October 1998. |
| F. Prêteux, M. Preda, G. Mozelle
Hand animation and BAPs extraction : Reports on Core Experiment 3
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M3592, Dublin, Ireland, July 1998. |
| F. Prêteux, M. Preda, G. Mozelle
Donation to ISO of hand animation software
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M3590, Dublin, Ireland, July 1998. |
| F. Prêteux, P. Horain, H. Ouhaddi, M. Preda
Report on Core Experiment 3 on Hand BAPs interpretation
Standardization Report ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11, MPEG97/M3332, Tokyo, Japan, March 1998. |