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  Home » Staff » Current staff » Son-Minh Tran » Profile
R&D Engineer

Tick Biography
Spacing Son Minh Tran received a M.Sc. degree Electronic Engineering in 1998 from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Budapest, Hungary). He then continued his research at the same university as a PhD student until 2004. His dissertation is about enhanced methods for representing multimedia. Currently, he keeps a Post Doctoral Fellow position within the ARTEMIS Department at TELECOM & Management SudParis, and is involved in research on the interactivity features of the MPEG-4 standard.

Tick Research activities
Spacing Besides the main specialization as a digital video broadcasting engineer, his research interests include video compression algorithms and enhanced features for digital video broadcasting. He participated in several software developments, including database for banking, server-client programming for web-radio and PDA applications. Hardware designing and constructing (audio amplifiers, TV circuits, stb.) are his hobbies. He is the first and co-author of many conference papers and journals published in English and Hungarian.

TickRelated projects  OLGA - Jules Verne - PARA - FAME2

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