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  Home » Staff » Current staff » Octavian Dimitru » Profile
Ph.D. Student

Tick Biography
Spacing Corneliu Octavian Dumitru received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in applied electronics from the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications of POLITEHNICA University (Bucharest, Romania), in 2001 and 2002, respectively. At POLITEHNICA University, he had an intensive teaching activity (delivering seminaries and supervising laboratory works) in the fields of Information Theory & Random Processes, Speech Processing and Electronics.

He joined in 2006 the ARTEMIS Department at TELECOM & Management SudParis as a Ph.D. student.

Tick Research activities
Spacing His research interests are related to information theory, random processes applications and speech processing. He has co-authored 2 journal papers and 16 communications in international conferences.

TickRelated projects  I-Protect

Tick Thesis information
Dissertation subject Protection of multimedia data in mobile environments
Academic affiliation Université Paris VI - Pierre et Marie Curie
Thesis director Françoise Prêteux
Thesis supervisor Mihai Mitrea
Scheduled examination date May 2009

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