| M. Preda, I. Arsov, F. Morán
Standards for 3D Graphics Assets and Applications
IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine (ISSN: 1556-6072), Vol. 4?(4?), December 2009, p. pp. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
The Role of Interoperability in Virtual Worlds, Analysis of the Specific Cases of Avatars
Technology, Economy, and Standards, Vol. 2(3), October 2009. |
| B. Jovanova, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 24(1+2), January 2009, p. 101-114. |
| P.Y. Brillet, C. Fetita, A. Saragaglia, A.L. Brun, C. Beigelman-Aubry, F. Prêteux, P.A. Grenier
Investigation of airways using MDCT for visual and quantitative assessment in COPD patients
International Journal of COPD, Vol. 3(1), January 2008, p. 1-11. |
| F. Morán, M. Preda, G. Lafruit, P. Villegas, R-P. Berretty
3D game content distributed adaptation in heterogeneous environments
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing - Special issue on Video Adaptation for Heterogeneous Environments, Vol. 2007(2), September 2007, p. 31:1-15. |
| P.Y. Brillet, C. Fetita, C. Beigelman-Aubry, A. Saragaglia, D. Perchet, F. Prêteux, P.A. Grenier
Quantification of bronchial dimensions at MDCT using dedicated software
European Radiology, Vol. 17(6), June 2007, p. 1483-1489. |
| S. Celakovski, M. Preda, S. KalajdzIski, D. Davcev, F. Prêteux
Rendering strategies for displaying MPEG-4 3D graphics objects
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol. 3(10), October 2006, p. 1851-1858. |
| C. Fetita, F. Prêteux, P.A. Grenier
3D reconstruction of the bronchial tree in volumetric CT: application to CT bronchography
Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 15(2), October 2006, p. 023004-1:17. |
| A. Saragaglia, C. Fetita, F. Prêteux
Software system design for volumetric probing of the airway wall in MDCT
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol. 3(10), October 2006, p. 1969-1975. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
A DCT-based approach for dynamic 3D mesh compression
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol. 3(8), October 2006, p. 1947–1954. |
| O. Dumitru, S. Duta, M. Mitrea, F. Prêteux
Commercial and standard in robust multimedia applications
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 5(9), September 2006, p. 1667-1673. |
| M. Mitrea, S. Duta, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Inband enriched video for interactive applications
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 5(8), August 2006, p. 1528-1534. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
A skinning approach for dynamic 3D mesh compression
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 17(3-4), July 2006, p. 337-346. |
| F. Le Pouliquen, J.P Dacosta, C. Germain, P. Baylou
A new adaptive framework for unbiased orientation estimation in textured images
Pattern Recognition, Vol. 38(11), November 2005, p. 2032-2046. |
| F. Prêteux, A. Vlad, M. Mitrea
Le tatouage robuste ou comment protéger les contenus visuels
Techniques de l'Ingénieur, Vol. H5360, October 2005, p. 1-12. |
| L. Vial, D. Perchet, R. Fodil, G. Caillibotte, C. Fetita, F. Prêteux, C. Beigelman-Aubry, P. Grenier, M. Thiriet, D. Isabey, G. Sbirlea-Apiou
Airflow modeling of steady inspiration in two realistic proximal airway trees reconstructed from human thoracic tomodensitometric images
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 8(4), August 2005, p. 267-277. |
| N. Rougon, C. Petitjean, F. Prêteux, P. Cluzel, P. Grenier
A non-rigid registration approach for quantifying myocardial contraction in tagged MRI using generalized information measures
Medical Image Analysis, Vol. 9(4), August 2005, p. 353-375. |
| S. Duta, M. Mitrea, F. Prêteux
Approaching low rate video protection by means of informed watermarking
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 8(4), August 2005, p. 621-629. |
| C. Fetita, S. Mancini, D. Perchet, F. Prêteux, M. Thiriet, L. Vial
An image-based computational model of oscilatory flow in the proximal part of the tracheobronchial trees
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 8(4), August 2005, p. 279-293. |
| K. Mamou, T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
Progressive 3D mesh compression: a B-spline approach
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 8(4), August 2005, p. 587-597. |
| T. Lescot, M-P. Bonnet, A. Zouaoui, J-C. Muller, C. Fetita, P. Coriat, L. Puybasset
A quantitative computed tomography assessment of brain weight, volume and specific gravity in severe head trauma
Intensive Care Medicine, Vol. 31, July 2005, p. 1042-1050. |
| A. Saragaglia, C. Fetita, F. Prêteux
Assessing therapy efficiency in asthma: A new designed multimedia system
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 7(4), July 2005, p. 514-521. |
| O. Folea, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Integrating multimedia applications and services through the MPEG-4 SDK
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 7(4), July 2005, p. 486-493. |
| M. Petrescu, M. Mitrea, F. Prêteux
Low rate video protection: The opportunity of spread spectrum watermarking
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 7(4), July 2005, p. 478-485. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, P. Cluzel
Assessment of myocardial function: A review of quantification methods and results using tagged MRI
Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance, Vol. 7(2), April 2005, p. 501-516. |
| M. Mitrea, F. Prêteux, A. Vlad
Spread spectrum colour video watermarking in the DCT domain
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 7(2), April 2005, p. 1065-1072. |
| C. Petitjean, N. Rougon, P. Cluzel, F. Prêteux, P. Grenier
Quantification of myocardial function using tagged MR and cine MR images
International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging, Vol. 20(6), March 2005, p. 497-508. |
| T. Zaharia, O. Triki, F. Prêteux, O. Marre
Efficient 2D cartoon production with the TOON platform
WSEAS Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Vol. 1(5), November 2004, p. 1405-1410. |
| C. Fetita, F. Prêteux, C. Beigelman-Aubry, P. Grenier
Pulmonary airways: 3D reconstruction from multi-slice CT and clinical investigation
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Vol. 23(11), November 2004, p. 1353-1364. |
| S. Duta, M. Mitrea, F. Prêteux
VRML vs. Inventor: bridge the gap !
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 3(3), July 2004, p. 884-890. |
| O. Folea, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Creating with 3dsMax streaming and playing with MPEG-4
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 3(3), July 2004, p. 924-929. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Virtual character within MPEG-4 Animation Framework eXtension
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 14(7), July 2004, p. 975-988. |
| S.M. Tran, M. Preda, F. Prêteux
MPEG-4 powered by Java: a weather forecast application case study
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 3(3), July 2004, p. 878-884. |
| A. Nieszkowska, Q. Lu, S. Vieira, M. Elman, C. Fetita, J-J. Rouby
Incidence and regional distribution of lung overinflation during mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure
Critical Care Medicine, Vol. 32(7), July 2004, p. 1496-1503. |
| M. Mitrea, T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
Spread spectrum robust watermarking for NURBS surfaces
WSEAS Transactions on Communications, Vol. 3(2), April 2004, p. 734-740. |
| M. Mitrea, F. Prêteux, A. Vlad, C. Fetita
The 2D-DCT coefficient statistical behaviour: a comparative analysis on different types of image sequences
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Vol. 6(1), March 2004, p. 95-102. |
| M. Mitrea, F. Prêteux, A. Vlad
Watermarking-oriented video modelling in the wavelet domain
WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, Vol. 3(1), January 2004, p. 282-287. |
| T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
Mesures de similarité pour l'indexation des mouvements paramétriques
Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI), Vol. 23(1), 2004, p. 67-96. |
| A. Vlad, M. Mitrea
Information sources approximating to printed Romanian: the role of type II statistical error
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Vol. A-5(3), 2004, p. 329-337. |
| D. Perchet, C. Fetita, L. Vial, F. Prêteux, G. Caillibotte, G. Sbirlea-Apiou, M. Thiriet
Virtual investigation of pulmonary airways in volumetric computed tomography
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Vol. 15(3-4), 2004, p. 361-376. |
| P.Y. Brillet, M. Rémy-Jardin
Traitement par radiofréquence des tumeurs pulmonaires
La Lettre du Pneumologue, Vol. 7(2), 2004. |
| P.A. Grenier, C. Beigelman-Aubry, C. Fetita, Y. Martin-Bouyer
Multidetector-row CT of the airways
Seminars in Roentgenology, Vol. 38(2), April 2003, p. 146-157. |
| T. Lescot, M.P. Bonnet, J-C. Muller, A. Zouaoui, C. Fetita, F. Prêteux, P. Coriat, L. Puybasset
Comparaison des poids, volumes et densités cérébrales entre les patients traumatisés crâniens et les sujets sains
Annales Francaises d'Anesthésie et de Réanimation, Vol. 22, 2003, p. 107s-109s. |
| T. Zaharia, F. Prêteux
Descripteurs de forme pour l'indexation de maillages 3D
Technique et Science Informatiques (TSI) - Numéro spécial Indexation Multimédia, Vol. 22(9), 2003, p. 1077-1105. |
| M. Preda, F. Prêteux
Insights into low level animation and MPEG-4 standardization
Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 17(9), November 2002, p. 717-741. |
| A. Manzanera, T.M. Bernard, F. Prêteux, B. Longuet
n-dimensional skeletonization: a unified mathematical framework
Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 11(1), January 2002, p. 25-37. |
| P.A. Grenier, C. Beigelman-Aubry, C. Fetita, F. Prêteux, M.W. Brauner, S. Lenoir
New frontiers in CT imaging of airway disease
European Radiology, Vol. 12, 2002, p. 1022-1044. |
| S. Chevalier, M.N. Kaynak, A.D. Cheok, K. Sengupta
Use of a novel non-linear generalized fuzzy Hidden Markov Model for speech recognition
Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems - Special Issue on Non-linear Speech Processing, Vol. 30, 2002. |
| L. Malbouisson, F. Prêteux, L. Puybasset, P. Grenier, P. Coriat, J.J. Rouby
Validation of a software designed for computed tomographic measurement of lung volumes of gas and tissue
Intensive Care Medicine, Vol. 27(3), March 2001, p. 602-608. |
| M Ciuc, R.M Rangayyan, T. Zaharia, V Buzuloiu
Filtering noise in color images using adaptive-neighborhood statistics
Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 9(4), October 2000, p. 484-494. |
| L. Puybasset, P. Cluzel, P. Gusman, P. Grenier, F. Prêteux, J.J. Rouby
Regional distribution of gas and tissue in acute respiratory distress syndrome. Part 1: Consequence on lung morphology
Intensive Care Medicine, Vol. 26(7), July 2000, p. 857-869. |
| X. Descombes, M. Sigelle, F. Prêteux
Estimating Gaussian Markov Random Field parameters in a nonstationary framework: Application to remote sensing imaging
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 8(4), April 1999, p. 490-503. |
| F. Prêteux, C. Fetita, P. Grenier, A. Capderou
Modeling, segmentation and caliber estimation of bronchi in high-resolution computerized tomography
Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 8(1), January 1999, p. 36-45. |
| H. Ouhaddi, P. Horain
Vers la modélisation du geste par la vision
Traitement du Signal, Vol. 16(1), 1999. |
| N. Rougon, F. Prêteux
Directional adaptive deformable models for segmentation
Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 7(1), January 1998, p. 231-256. |
| R.E. Sequeira, F. Prêteux
Discrete Voronoi diagrams and the SKIZ operator : A dynamic algorithm
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 19(10), October 1997, p. 1165-1170. |
| E. Payot, F. Prêteux, Y. Trousset, R. Guillemaud
Extrapolation for 3D Reconstruction
Journal of Electronic Imaging, Vol. 6(4), October 1997, p. 426-438. |
| R. Sabourin, G. Genest, F. Prêteux
Off-Line signature verification by local granulometric size distributions
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol. 19(9), September 1997. |
| H. Guillemet, H. Benali, E. Kahn, R. Di Paola
A multistage methodology for detection of microcalcifications in digital mammography
Acta Stereologica, 1996. |